Friday, June 13, 2008

Just a little catch up therapy...

Wow...I can't believe I haven't posted in over a month! But, things have been very busy! My dad's surgery went very well! He was a trooper! That day was one of the longest of my life and the surgery took SO long, but we were blessed by sweet friends and family all day and it made it all more bearable! He spent a few days in the ICU and then went to a room. After a week, he was released and he and my mom are living in the area for the next several months while they transition to the area permanently. He is currently doing cardiac rehab and everything is going really well!

One of my very dearest friends, Elizabeth, moved away, and it has been difficult for me. She is one of those girls who is a friend of my daughter, but has become a good friend to me, and was also a co-worker. Elizabeth is one of those people who just shows don't know how she knows, but she does. I love her and her sweet family so much and there is a hole the size of Tennessee in my heart!

Christine continues to struggle and has been in and out of the hospital. My heart just breaks for her and I continue to cry out to God to relieve her of some of her misery. I want so badly for her to enjoy mommyhood and I just am so sad that she just cannot seem to move forward into better health. This past week, they have begun the referral process to a "teaching" hospital where there are many, many people on the cutting edge of all things medical. In 1989, I suffered a stroke and after laying in a community hospital for a couple of weeks, I was transferred to a teaching hospital and even though it took months, I was able to recover, thanks first of all to the grace of God, but also because about every hour, students, interns and residents were coming in and out my room checking things and each one of them was a different pair of eyes and a different perspective. I believe this could be a breakthrough for my girl. I continually thank God for sweet Matt, who keeps everything going...I know his faith is carrying him and I am so thankful for a merciful God. Keep praying about this, please!

We are fully into Summer Spectacular at church and have been having continual childcare for our volunteers so that they could get their work done during the day instead of spending long hours in the evenings and being away from their families. It has been so much fun to have the kids up here watching everything go up. Their little eyes look each day for a new facet of the "whale of a tale" they are about to experience, and it has been a great adventure. We are all tired, as we are each year, but SO pumped about what God is going to do over the 3 day event. We are already WAY over our final number last year, so we are a little overwhelmed with the prospect, but we know that GOD is in control and everyone who walks through the door...He brought them!

Emily's new job is going GREAT! She loves it and stopped by to see me today, because everytime she calls, I say "gotta go - gotta go help with the kids...gotta go paint, etc." and she was so sweet to come by for a face to face! And, Patty recruited Brad to help with lots of projects so he has been up here all week. And, since Christine was not feeling so well and Giggi is on mission trip, the boys came every day and that was a treat for me to get to be with them, even though I was at work.

The highlight of the week was the day Jack got to go play with best buddy John! Courtney was so sweet to give Jack a break from being up here all day and he got to spend the whole day with his friend. Today, he could not stop talking about all they did together. I am so happy that God has blessed these little boys with such a special friendship - I know that it will be so fun to watch them grow up together and spend lots of special times as friends. And, Sam made a new friend in Eva this week when he went to her house to help her practice being a big sister! Apparently, they had a great time, too!

Wow...this is a lot of information, but I am glad I had a minute to post. I know so many of you have been in prayer for our family and I am so blessed by that!

You be blessed, too!


Kendra said...

I have been praying, friend, so I'm glad to get an "update" from you. Blessings on you and your sweet ones . ..thanks for all you do and for doing all those things with passion for the Lord!

Courtney said...

I am begging God with you for some answers for Christine! It was so good to finally see her the other night. I'm thrilled that recovery is going well for other family members!

We love our Mickey Jack. Last night they talked about friends in John's class and the story of David and Jonathan. I think we may have just hit one of those rare relationships here. John, of course, drew a picture of Jack when told to draw a friend. :) They are easy to take care of together! We definitely need him back here again before the baby comes.

Lynn said...

WOW...what a week that was. I guess I won't feel so tired with our little VBS this week. We are so happy Tine is getting some new attention. Hopefully, for her and you all it will be the answer from God!