Monday, August 25, 2008

What I learned watching the Olympics...

Kind of sad it's over, but it was fun while it lasted! Here are a few things that wowed me at the Olympics this year...

- That it's actually the BALYMPICS, according to Jack, and Michael Phelps swims REAL fast!

- Michael Phelps is just one of a kind. You can't explain it, you don't understand it, but he is SO FUN TO WATCH!!! I love that he still kind of has a "sheepish" grin, seems quite humble, and hugs his mama!

- Nastia Liukin may be from Texas, but I just loved watching Shawn Johnson (from Iowa - Tine's birth state!). Her story is so amazing - she loves what she does, and her smile melted my heart!

- Nastia Liukin is from Texas. She made us proud...and I still think she was robbed.

- Doesn't matter how young they MAY look, the date on the passport is FINAL.

- After attending the Texas Relays for MANY years, because my dad was an official, made me a true fan of track and field. My sister was a hurdler and a relay runner, but I was just a spectator. I remembered why i love it so much when i saw those runners go airborne at every hurdle and made it look easy.

- Pole Vaulting is amazing. And now, women participate??? How great is that!

- I am now a HUGE fan of Beach Volleyball - Go Misty and Keri!!!!! I couldn't get enough!

- I think they should have let the little girl who was actually singing the song at the Opening Ceremony SING THE SONG, instead of putting someone "cuter" in to lip-sing! That little girl who WAS singing was adorable!!! Come on people...what about self-esteem!!!

- Water Polo is pretty fun to watch, but those caps are really funny! Takes a real man to wear one of those...tied in a bow.

- I still get sad when the torch goes out...

- And, I still cry every time I hear our National Anthem.

What were your favorite things?

1 comment:

Chesley said...

I was screaming at the t.v. when the two track women didn't get the Gold. I can't remember their names at this moment but I felt sick for them! The hurdler Lolo Jones, when she hit that last hurdle, oh man!!!
The quarter is such a beating to run but it is so much fun to watch! You never know what might happen in that one lap and our girl cramped up in the last hundred. Both ladies had the gold but it just wasn't meant to be.

Usain Bolt is a freak of a runner like Michael Phelps is a freak of a swimmer...such ease...I love it!

Gymanastics is always a favorite.

I never knew there was olympic power walking. That was a site to see...their poor hips.
I could keep going and going on the olympics.