Thursday, August 14, 2008

This and that...

Some of you have been wondering about me (thanks for that!!!). Well, for the past 2 weeks, I have been dealing with a very painful kidney stone! One surgery down and another one possible next week. It is amazing to me that something the size of a pencil eraser can completely shut a person down! And, I am not easy to shut down. But, I am praying for a resolution soon!

We've had a busy summer - Summer Spectacular, Mother's Day Out and a growing Nursery at church! Lots of other exciting things going on at RHCC these days, too and it is such a blessing to be there! Roy's busy selling sand and gravel and sharing his faith with all the truck drivers - I love this man! Christine takes baby steps toward better health and we continue to pray for a miracle! Emily loves her new job and is a social butterfly - makes me tired to hear all she's doing. Brad is fully entrenched back into football - Go Liberty Warriors!

Jack celebrated #4 with his buddies John and Bryson and we missed little Miss Hadley. Cousins JoJo and Mary Kate and other family members helped us celebrate at Giggi's pool and the WALLE Robot arrived FedEx just in time!!! He amazes me every day! Yesterday, I went over to share the couch with Christine and Jack started reading me a book - WOW - when did that happen! Sam is growing and into everything and eating everything! He yells Da-DEEEEEEEEEEE at everyone and is just a funny little guy! Who knew this Mimi business would be such fun!

Through everything, we continue to be blessed by our faithful Father and cherish our times together.

You be blessed today...


Courtney said...

Praying for you and your family as always! I hope you are 100% soon! John talked and talked about the b-day party. He had been missing Jack. Hope to see you soon and introduce you to Levi!

Unknown said...

I am so sorry, Mindy! Hope you are fully recovered very soon. Love you.

Lynn said...

OUCH....I know you have been in some pain. Hope it all gets better. Drink lots of cranberry juice. Love!

Kristen said...

I hope you feel better soon and Christine too! :) You two are so precious, praying for you. Thanks for the nursery advice and I too wish the twins were in your nursery. God Bless!