Wednesday, June 03, 2009


It's been a much has been happening. It's been an "up and down" couple of months, but God is good and we are hanging in there.

We are totally immersed in Summer Spectacular at church and so excited to see all that God will do this year, as the story of Esther comes to life. Childcare is in full swing, and the classes are full. My staff continues to amaze me with their dedication to their work and their love for the kids and their desire to share God's sweet words with them. I am blessed...

My uncle Bill lost his valiant fight earlier this spring, and it was painful for us. But, for him, the battle is over and the victory belongs to him and he now feels no more pain and his body is whole. I was able to travel with my parents and my uncle Charles to Houma, LA for his funeral and though the circumstances were sad, the time together was so sweet. Perhaps one of the sweetest things was when we were all in the backyard together and the grandchildren released balloons to heaven with messages to their pappy. I'll never look at a balloon in the sky the same again...

Our family enjoyed a wonderful Memorial Day holiday at the farm and almost 40 of us hung out together, visited, ate, fished, and realized how fast time flies by...

These past few days have been a little rough for me - I haven't been feeling that well, and I hate it when this happens. I always feel bad complaining because there are others in far worse situations than I am in...but dealing with chronic back pain and asthma can sometimes be just exhausting. I love Paul's writing where he reminds me that he learned to be content in his circumstances, and I try to do that. But, sometimes, I just get tired. Tonight, after dealing with a horrible headache all day, that is still hanging on, which came as a result of a treatment to make my back feel better (seriously?), I began to talk to God and just tell Him thank you for all my sweet know, instead of counting sheep? That has never worked for me.

And here are a few that caused me to get up and get on the computer...things I wanted to write down...because they were just too important...

I love my sweet husband, Roy. This man works like a horse, loves unconditionally, cares beyond measure, and has a loyalty that cannot be measured. He endures criticism, curt remarks, and sarcasm from people who should not be dishing it out...and yet, he never says a bad word about them or the things that may have hurt his feelings. He's a good guy...and I would not be the person I am today had he not been in my life...

I love my kids. I am so happy for Christine and for the fact that she seems to be feeling a little better these days. I love to watch her mother her boys, and be a wife who loves her husband. These days, that is really something to see. Jack and Sam...our eternal gifts of promise. I love how she is a fighter...she doesn't give up on herself or anyone else. Her boys and her husband are her priority and her love for the Lord is so evident in all she does. Her unfailing devotion to family and friends is remarkable...and she married a prince. I love my sweet Emily...born to be a servant. In a world where people are always looking out for number one...she works to make others feel like they are number one. She is fun, fun-loving, loyal, silly, and someday, when her prince comes...he will one lucky guy! I love Bradley...he hates that I call him a mama's boy...but he is always willing to do whatever I need him to do. He's not afraid to stand up for his dad and his sisters...and for his mama. He, too, will make someone a good prince one day...but she'll have to be pretty special.

I love my parents...they were picked especially for me...I love my older sister, and her wonderful husband...she lives too far away, and has blessed me with 5 wonderful nieces and nephews, whose lives I have missed way too much of...but I love them so...I love my baby brother and his sweet wife and their 3 boys...3 examples that God's love is a continual stream of blessing...and my baby, what would life be without her...God knew we needed her in our lives...and her sweet husband and their precious little girls. My only "great" nephew...Noah...growing up too fast...doesn't really know me, but his name is on my lips in prayer every day. He's precious...

Blessed beyond measure with a wonderful family, precious friends, a church family that steps out into this world and loves God's people...I wonder sometimes how I got so lucky...then I remember, it's not luck...but sheer blessing.

I hope you count your blessings today...

1 comment:

Giggi said...

So sorry you are having a rough time with your back. Hope it's lots better by today. Thanks for counting your blessings with us. Hope you feel good enough to really enjoy them ASAP! Love ya!